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Mr. and Mrs. Fenton - Loyal Wray
The Time of Your Life - thats what you will have at Swampettas beautiful webpage.
Hell Is Just Heaven With a Dress Code - Swampetta
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Loyal Wray

In Memory and in Spirit (-2002)

My dear friend:

I have had news of your passing. I refuse to believe you are gone. You being there as a friendly, supportive ear ... well, has saved my life a number of times, when I was too depressed to go on.

How do I thank you for the spirit you shared with me?

Whereever you have gone is where I want to go ...

Josh Grobins song ... 'somewhere, just a breath away, you are' ... I can't stop crying my friend.

It was too soon ... we had plans undone ... walks to take, and dances to go to. Please write back and tell me that your leaving is not true.

The day after I heard of your passing .... I took a long walk and 'short run' with my golden lab, most loyal Max (short for Maximillius) ... and saw a low circling red tailed hawk follow us to the watertower and back. I felt comforted.

Loyal Wray ... thank you for all the inspiration, the room to think for myself, and the honest criticism, which is so rare, given with such class ... that was so desperately needed.

Thank you for being here ... thank you for showing your soul ... telling of trials and trails traveled.

I, and apparently many others, love you. ;')

See you soon, no matter how it's looked at!

Your friend always, Victoria


Do pictures of the ocean stir prehistoric longings deep in your soul? Is there something about boats and ships you find it hard to stop thinking about? Floating, sometimes, a couple of miles over the surface of the earth ... trying to understand ...a basically undiscovered part of this planet ... a new frontier.

For a story about my Father, who was the greatest adventurer I ever met ... I wrote a bit at the bottom of this fan site for:

Alby Mangels, and Friends

There is a new biography out about Alby, by noted author Lynn Santer, and available on the website.

Alby Mangels has been a real trail blazer, who should have received much more appreciation from media, for the new and innovative techniques he brought forth, in the production of exciting travel, and very important environmental documentaries.

He remains a hero of mine ... it takes real guts to be one of the very first.


Email: Victoria

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