Where did I hear that quote? You do have a choice, ... in fact you have lots of choices ... especially of what you choose to think about!
Death is a normal happening on our road of life. There is no need to be afraid. ...At least that is what I tell myself. My intellect believes it! But as I get older, and older, and older (LOL) ... well, I do find myself afraid, on occasion. Life, I see, is sorta like a 'reality movie' ... you've just got to hang around and let the plot work itself out! Don't be in a rush to leave the theater! (The curtain will close soon enough.) LOL This website is being developed to act as a mental hostel: A place for the support of the dying, and/or those afraid of living.
Can't take 'it' anymore? ... I been there, done that! ... not a realistic option!
Really, really angry? ... same advice! Talk it out, if you can't deal with someone else, talk with the person in the mirror! Remember, unsolved anger is ultimately, and finally SELF destructive!
There is no need, what-so-ever, to go it alone, humans are pack-type mammals, like my precious wolves, and need group support. Don't deny that aspect of your humanity. Please!
Thanks for listening to 'my two cents' ... What you should read here is meant to help. See a professional in your area for advice that pertains to your individual needs. A website is just a place for thoughts, not therapy!
Best Wishes To You and Yours!
Victoria ANTICANCER, A NEW WAY OF LIFE by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD 2008. <***><*><***> Thought this anti-cancer diet ... good common sense mostly, was valuable to pass on:
Courtesy of Prevention
A doctor with a malignant tumor sets out to find his cure. And comes back with dinner.
My Diagnosis
Diagnosed with brain cancer 16 years ago, David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD was told by his oncologist that changing his diet would not impact his results.
He was determined to prove his doctor wrong. Through months of research and traveling the globe, he discovered a multitude of cancer-fighting foods that helped him live a longer, healthier life.>>>>>>>>
Found in curry powder, this spice is the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory available today. It encourages cancer cell death, inhibits tumor growth, and even enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Some research shows that turmeric is most effective in humans when it's mixed with black pepper and dissolved in oil (olive or canola, preferably). In store-bought curry mixes, turmeric represents only 20% of the total, so it's better to obtain ground turmeric directly from a spice shop.
How to Use It: Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a teaspoon of olive oil and a generous pinch of ground black pepper and add to vegetables, soups, and salad dressings. Use a tablespoon if you already have cancer. If it tastes too bitter for you, add a few drops of honey or agave nectar.
Fresh ginger, or ginger root, is a powerful anti-inflammatory that combats certain cancer cells and helps slow tumor growth. A ginger infusion can also alleviate nausea from chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
How to Use It: Add grated fresh ginger to a vegetable stir-fry or fruit salad. Or, make an infusion by slicing a 1-inch piece of ginger and steeping it in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes; drink hot or cold.
Best Drinks for Bettering Your Body
Japanese Green Tea
Green tea is rich in compounds called polyphenols, including catechins (and particularly EGCG), which reduce the growth of new blood vessels that feed tumors. It's also a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier (activating enzymes in the liver that eliminate toxins from the body), and it encourages cancer cell death. In the laboratory, it has even been shown to increase the effect of radiation on cancer cells.
How to Drink It: Sip 2 to 3 cups a day within an hour of brewing. Green tea must be steeped for at least 5 to 8 minutes -- ideally 10 -- to release its catechins, but it loses its beneficial polyphenols after an hour or two.
Pomegranate Juice
T his juice, which tastes like raspberries, has been used in Persian medicine for thousands of years. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are well confirmed; studies show it can substantially reduce the development of even the most aggressive prostate cancers (among others). In addition, drinking it daily slows the spread of an established prostate cancer by more than 50%.
How to Drink It: Have 8 ounces daily with breakfast.
Vital Veggies
Brussels Sprouts, Bok Choy, Chinese cabbage, Broccoli, and Cauliflower
Brussels sprouts, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower all contain sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinols (I3Cs), two potent anticancer molecules. These molecules help the body detoxify certain carcinogenic substances and can help prevent precancerous cells from developing into malignant tumors. They also promote the suicide of cancer cells and block tumor growth.
How to Prepare Them: Cover and steam briefly or stir-fry rapidly with a little olive oil. Avoid boiling cabbage and broccoli, which destroys their cancer-fighting compounds
Garlic, Onions, Leeks, Shallots, Chives
The sulfur compounds found in this group (the alliaceous family) promote the death of colon, breast, lung, and prostate cancer cells. Epidemiological studies also suggest a lower risk of kidney and prostate cancer in people who consume the most garlic.
How to Eat Them: The active compounds in garlic are released when you crush the clove, and they're much more easily absorbed if they're combined with a small amount of oil. Sauté chopped garlic and onions in a little olive oil, mix with steamed or stir-fried vegetables, and toss with black pepper and turmeric. They can also be consumed raw, mixed in salads, or layered on sandwiches.
Proteins for a Better Prognosis
Soy Products
Compounds called isoflavones (including genistein, daidzein, and glycitein) prevent tumor growth and block the stimulation of cancer cells by sex hormones (such as estrogens and testosterone). There are significantly fewer breast cancer cases among Asian women who have eaten soy since adolescence, and when they do have breast cancer, their tumors are usually less aggressive with higher survival rates. Isoflavone supplements (in pill form) have been associated with an aggravation of certain breast cancers, but whole soy, eaten as food, has not.
How to Eat It: Replace conventional milk products with soy milk or soy yogurts for breakfast. Also, use tofu, tempeh, and miso in soups and stir-fries.
Fatty Fish
The risk of several cancers is significantly lower in people who eat fish at least twice a week. Several studies discovered that the anti-inflammatory long-chain omega-3s found in fatty fish (or in high-quality purified fish-oil supplements) can help slow cancer cell growth in a large
number of tumors (lung, breast, colon, prostate, kidney, etc.).
How to Eat It: Have a seafood-based meal two or three times a week. Choose small fish, such as anch ovies, small mackerel, and sardines (including canned sardines, provided they are preserved in olive oil and not in sunflower oil, which is too rich in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats). Small fish contain fewer environmental toxins such as PCBs and mercury. Wild salmon is also a good source of omega-3 fats, and the level of contamination is still acceptable. Choose fresh over frozen whenever possible, because omega-3 content degrades over time.
Disease-Fighting Fruits
Oranges, Tangerines, Lemons, and Grapefruit
Oranges, tangerines, lemons, and grapefruit contain anti-inflammatory compounds called flavonoids that stimulate the detoxification of carcinogens by the liver. Certain flavonoids in the skin of tangerines -- tangeritin and nobiletin -- can also help promote the death of brain cancer cells.
How to Eat It: Sprinkle grated citrus zest (from organic fruits) into salad dressings or breakfast cereals, or steep in tea or hot water. Eat whole fruits out of hand, toss with other fruits in a salad, or use in a salsa to season grilled fish.
Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries contain ellagic acid and a large number of polyphenols, which inhibit tumor growth. Two polyphenols found in berries, anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins, promote cancer cell death.
How to Eat Them: At breakfast, mix fruit with soy milk and multigrain cereals. (The best cereal options combine oats, bran, flaxseed, rye, barley, spelt, and so on.) Frozen berries are just as potent as fresh.
Cure It with Dessert
Chocolates containing over 70% cocoa provide a number of antioxidants, proanthocyanidins, and many polyphenols. In fact, a square of dark chocolate contains twice as many as a glass of red wine and almost as many as a cup of green tea properly steeped. These molecules slow the growth of cancer cells and limit the blood vessels that feed them.
How to Eat It: Enjoy about one-fifth of a dark chocolate bar a day guilt free. Milk chocolate isn't a good alternative because dairy cancels out the cancer protection of the polyphenol compounds.
To date, there is no alternative approach that can cure cancer, and I believe that the best of conventional medicine--surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, and soon, molecular genetics--must be used to treat this disease. But to neglect your own natural cancer-fighting capacity is folly. I've kept cancer at bay for 8 years now, and I attribute my survival largely to the changes I've made in my diet and lifestyle. I exercise and meditate more and eat wholesome anticancer foods on a daily basis. Still, the medical establishment is slow to embrace this approach. After my last screening at the university's cancer center, I stopped at the cafeteria and discovered eight different types of tea: Darjeeling, Earl Grey, chamomile, and several fruit-flavored herbal teas. Sadly, there was not a single packet of green tea in the lot.
Adapted by arrangement with Viking, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. From ANTICANCER, A NEW WAY OF LIFE by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, published in September 2008. Copyright by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, 2008.
The following article was sent to me by a good friend. You can find the original article on: www.deathwithdignity.org
Just hours before the clock ran out on the deadline for an appeal, the Ashcroft Justice Department has requested a rehearing in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit handed down a decision last month which stated that the Federal government cannot overturn Oregon's Death with Dignity law.
"The Ashcroft Justice Department is confusing their authority to control the diversion of drugs with the states' traditional authority to establish the medical standard of care and regulate medicine. There is simply no basis in the construct or intent of
federal law that gives the federal government the authority to regulate the practice of medicine or establish the standard of care in the states," said Portland attorney Eli D. Stutsman who represents an Oregon physician and pharmacist on behalf of the Death with Dignity National Center.
Scott Blaine Swenson, DDNC's Executive Director, denounced the appeal, saying, "Just how many times must the Attorney General see the democratic and legal processes demonstrated? The people have voted twice. The courts have ruled again and again. This law has been a catalyst to improved end-of-life care - in Oregon and nationally. Tax payer dollars are being squandered in Ashcroft's crusade."
The Death with Dignity National Center (DDNC) is prepared to meet this fresh legal challenge. Stay informed on the progress of this historic case online at deathwithdignity.org Life is precious both coming and going ... calls for respect.
"Station by station we all shamble toward
this greatest of mysteries"
" Let us thank our hands while
they still work, our eyes while they still see, our minds while
they still conceive and dream." Robert Genn's Twice Weekly Letter
Janet Rasmussen wrote yesterday: "I had thought my art would
be getting into high gear right about now. No, I'm stalled.
You see, I have just been diagnosed with chronic myelogenous
leukemia. I must be spelling those awful words a lot these
days, as I didn't have to think about it this time. My
sculptures are all over the world; the Queen Mum has one. I
had put my career on a side table. I was about to launch
myself back into the art scene when I found out my news! So you
see, I am a good example of don't wait for tomorrow. You know
it's a terrible thing for a procrastinator to find out they
have cancer--now I'll have to make a list of the things I want
to do before I get too sick."
It's like being on a train where you don't know your stop. The
conductor comes down the aisle and says: "You're off at the
next." Any breathless protest about the precious gift of life
or the "yet to do's" are of little avail. Work and fresh ideas
could soon be left for those who still hold onto health. "So
much to do, so little time," takes on added urgency. There
seems no antidote. Station by station we all shamble toward
this greatest of mysteries.
Let it be said that we are grateful for whatever life we have.
Let's be thankful that we still do what we can. Let's be aware
of the joy that art brings to others as well as to ourselves.
Let's be thankful for all of the fields and forests we have
tramped, for spring-times we have inhaled and autumn leaves we
have raked. Let's be thankful for the privilege to go into
that magical room for the purpose of making things. Let's be
glad that we often worked in times of peace and that our easels
were always full of projects. Let us thank our hands while
they still work, our eyes while they still see, our minds while
they still conceive and dream. Let us never for a moment hide
our talents under a bushel. Help us to remember that while we
may not go on, our art will. And that whatever art we have
made stands a good chance of being re-varnished, restored,
re-framed, resold and respected--even treasured--and that we
will continue to be a part of the brotherhood and sisterhood.
Best regards,
PS: "Right now a moment of time is fleeting by! Capture its
reality in paint. We must become that moment, make ourselves a
sensitive recording plate, give the image of what we actually
see, forgetting everything that has been seen before our time."
(Paul Cezanne)
Esoterica: One of the lessons of the train is the respect for
time. The mind can drift, be distracted or go soft with the
movement. A generation can pass in a blur while looking out
the window. Seize the day. Seize the chisel. "Creativity
exists in the present moment. You can't find it anywhere else."
(Natalie Goldberg)
The Twice-Weekly Letters are in Russian at
and in French
If you think a friend may find value in this material please
feel free to copy. This does not mean that they will
automatically be subscribed to the Twice-Weekly Letter. They
have to do it voluntarily and can find out about it by going to: Painters Keys
Cette lettre ainsi que de plus anciennes se trouvent en
francais sur le site www.painterskeys.com/fr/.
If you know of someone whom you feel might get value from this
email please forward it to them. Thank you.
(c) Copyright 2002 Robert Genn. The "Robert Genn Twice Weekly
Letter" may only be redistributed in its unedited form. Written
permission from the author must be obtained to reprint or cite
the information contained within this newsletter.
Purchase a copy of Robert Genn's The Painter's Keys" by Kathy Thompson It defuses anger and
frustration. It is used for chronic pain and diabetes.
It is a very intense way to communicate with someone.
It improves your self-worth.
Experience a HUG!
Your skin needs reassurance. It has been used as a
therapeutic tool because it takes us back to our
earliest experiences in life. We don't touch enough
in our lives. We are taught not to touch.
But our skin hungers for touch. It makes us feel good.
Here is where quality and quantity count.
There was a doctor in Los Angeles who gave this
prescription to his patients. "4 hugs a day without
How do you hug? Simple steps should be taken.
1. Open arms wide. 2. Step up to the person.
3. Wrap your arms around him/her.
4. Apply pressure.
5. Let go.
Some of us need a little nudging and coaxing.
Which hug type do you give?
1. A-Frame Hug - Only heads touch.
2. Burp Hug - chest to chest and a pat on the back.
3. Twist Hug - upper half of chest twists away during
4. Wallet Hug - the hips touch.
5. Pick-up Hug - one lifts up and twirls the other.
6. Full Body Hug - both parties squeeze and feel good!
When you hug, you give permission to hug. Listen to
your body, trust it, it is wise. Tell the person you
need a hug. Ask for one. When we hug we share a
You can hug anywhere you are comfortable, the least
scary. Or you can become more daring and do it in
public; work, store, parties, airport, anywhere!
Here is good advice: 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs
a day to maintain balance, 12 hugs a day to grow.
Be generous with your hugs.
Health + Wealth + Happiness + Face Reading =
"Your Express To Success," Kathy Thompson's FREE weekly
newsletter. With 25 years of experience, Coach Kathy
helps people succeed and reach their potential.
For a FREE sample send a blank email to:
Article provided by: Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
jeannie@health-doc.com |
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^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^ The following article was published by: Agora Publishing
According to the National Cancer Institute, lifetime exposure to sunlight may reduce your risk of some of the most common types of cancer. In an analysis of death certificates from 24 states over an 11-year period, the NCI researchers found that people who lived in the sunniest parts of the country, and those exposed to the most sunlight through their jobs, had significantly lower rates of breast and colon cancer than matched controls. Sun may cut risk of some cancer by 25 percent The scientists identified cases through a database maintained by the NCI, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the National Center for Health Statistics. The data was collected from 24 states from 1984 through 1995, and includes information on occupation, state of residence at birth and at death, and cause of death. The researchers took significant measures to ensure the accuracy of their data. They only included people who were born and died in states in the same solar radiation range. And they classified farmers in their own occupational category, separate from other outdoor jobs, as they have been shown to have higher overall rates of certain types of cancer. They also narrowed down the cases substantially with a long list of exclusions. Even after all those adjustments, the results were compelling. Overall, people who lived in the highest solar radiation range (in states like Arizona, Hawaii, Florida, and Texas) had less risk of dying of breast, ovarian, prostate, or colon cancer than those who lived in the lowest range (states like Maine, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Washington). The occupational difference was most significant in relation to cases breast and colon cancer; across all levels of solar radiation, people who worked outside had 20 to 25 percent less risk of these two types of cancer. And the benefits of outside work weren't attributable to the amount of hard labor. Even after the researchers adjusted for level of physical activity, the reduction in risk remained. Use common sense to balance benefits and risks In their discussion, the NCI researchers theorize that sunlight offers cancer protection through its contribution of vitamin D. Recent laboratory tests have shown that vitamin D can slow or halt the proliferation of breast and colon cancer cells. And in other research, breast cancer patients showed lower serum concentrations of a form of vitamin D when compared with healthy controls. In recent years we've all been trained to fear the sun, due to the threat of skin cancer. Now there is a growing belief that exposure to the sun may not actually cause skin cancer (we'll continue to research this and send information as we uncover it). Either way, the fear of skin cancer shouldn't keep you huddled indoors in the dark. According to Dr. William C. Douglass, you can reap the sun's healthy benefits with as little as 20 minutes of exposure a day. To Your Good Health, Jenny Thompson Health Sciences Institute Source: Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2002;59:257-262 Copyright (c)1997-2002 by Institute of Health Sciences, L.L.C. For those of you who must know who I am ... I have included the following. Personal Background: ART/psych (Art Therapy) University of California @ Santa Cruz (1979) Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA Art Therapy Internship @ Watsonville Elementary School, CA 1979 - Children's seminars - Santa Cruz, CA 1980-1986 Silicon Chip Manufacturing Supervisor II/Acting General Forman 1983-1985 Santa Cruz, CA California Real Estate Agent 1987 - Riverside CA Property Supervisor (apartment buildings) Inland Empire - current valid Real Estate license/inactive status Currently Self-Employed as a mother, grandmother, artist, writer, gardener, cook and webmistress - The Wolf House |